The APA certifies plant personnel in the following disciplines: Batch Plant Operation (BPO) and Quality Control (Level 1 and Level II). These certifications assist plants in ensuring their staff has proficiency in their field and that they maintain and enhance their skill sets.
Applicants wishing to sit for exams during their plant's bi-annual inspection must submit their application no later than January 31st for Spring inspections and July 31st for Fall inspections.
  • Upon application, those seeking to be certified are sent study guides to prepare for testing and a testing date is established.
  • Once certified, certificants are required to document a minimum of 12 hours of continuing education over a three-year period and pay a renewal fee. 
  • A certificant may opt to forgo the 12 hours of CE, but must retest and pay any associated testing fees ($325.00 for members). Testing must place during the late-summer/early fall inspection in the year prior to expiration to prevent a lapse in certification.

Online CE Sources:

Approved CE:

  • Attending an APA in person educational event (max. 12 CEUs; 6 CEUs per event)
  • Attending other in person industry events through another approved provider, such as CSI/NPCA/World of Concrete/AIA (max. 8 CEUs; 1 CEU for each 1 hour of education)
  • Review/Update Plant's QC Manual (max. 2 CEUs; 1 CEU for each 1 hour of review)
  • Review Company Procedures (max. 2 CEUs; 1 CEU for each 1 hour of review)
  • Review Case Study Articles (max. of 3 CEUs; 1 CEU for each 1 hour of review)
  • Other training opportunities such as lunch & learns, webinars, online education, mentorship, OSHA courses, etc. (max. of 6 CEUs; 1 CEU for each 1 hour of education).